Week 05: Improving The Lightning Tool

This week I was mainly focused on improving my lightning tool. Last week I had my rude awakening when I realized that creating a tool was a little bit more complex than I had anticipated, but I really enjoy the process and the challenge despite the fact that I wished my progress was faster than what it was. I had some things in mind that I wanted to control through my tool, but as I began to develop it I started to lose sight on what controls/settings would be best to expose. However, I did resolve some issues from last week, such as the lightning branches living longer than my main branch.

Thankfully I was able to get past the hurdle of making the branches die when my main branch dies, but I still have some improvements that need to be made. I’ve boiled it down to three main improvements that I would like to make on the lightning branches such as:

  1. Shape variation

  2. Variation in direction

  3. Variation in life

Above is my main lightning tool, and within it I have my branches lightning tool. The Idea I have so far was to create three separate tools. One for the main branch, another for the branches, and the last one for the shape of the branches.


Week 06: VEX Workout


Week 04: A Rude Awakening